Participants are expected to submit papers (research papers, review papers, research notes, Ph.D. research in progress, case studies and essays) which have not been published before. All accepted papers will be presented at the conference.
Instructions for Abstract submission
PAPER TITLE (Times New Roman, 14pt, Bold, Alignment center). A white line.
AUTHOR (S) (Times New Roman, 14pt, Bold, Alignment center), followed by scientific title and institution (italics). Two white lines.
ABSTRACT (Times New Roman, 10pt, Justify) not more than 200 words. Write “ABSTRACT” followed by the presentation of in the text English. A white line.
KEYWORDS (Times New Roman, 10pt, Justify), a maximum of 5 words.
CORESPONDING AUTHOR (Times New Roman, 12pt, Justify, followed by mail address and phone number.
Please send the abstracts as Microsoft Word attachments to e-mail: [email protected]